Punjab Govt Provides Loan for ‘Green Tractor Scheme’

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Punjab Govt Provides Loan for 'Green Tractor Scheme'

The Punjab government has announced the launch of the “Green Tractor Scheme” to support farmers by offering small, medium, and large tractors at subsidized rates in the Budget 2024-25. This initiative aims to enhance agricultural mechanization in Punjab, ensuring high-quality standards for all provided tractors.

Key Features of the Green Tractor Scheme

Key Features of the Green Tractor Scheme

  • Boost agricultural mechanization
  • Provide high-quality tractors at subsidized rates
  • Support small, medium, and large-scale farmers

Details of the Tractor Scheme

  • Duration: The scheme will run for a year under the leadership of the Chief Minister of Punjab.
  • Tractors Distribution: A total of 10,000 tractors will be distributed in phases to ensure timely and organized benefits to eligible farmers.
  • Payment Plan: Farmers will pay for the tractors on a monthly installment basis, making it easier to manage finances while benefiting from the scheme.

Budget and Financial Support

  • Budget Allocation: Over 75 billion PKR has been earmarked for the Green Tractor Scheme in the Kissan Friendly Package.
  • Interest-Free Loans: Farmers will have access to interest-free loans to facilitate the purchase of tractors.

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Additional Initiatives for Farmers

  • SMS 8070 Registration Kisan Card Scheme: This initiative allows farmers to register and access various benefits such as subsidies and financial assistance using the Kisan Card.
  • Solarization of Agriculture: Announced by the Chief Minister, this initiative aims to promote the use of solar energy in agriculture.
  • Punjab Kisan Bank: The establishment of this bank will provide farmers with loans on favorable terms.
  • Oil Seed Promotion Program: This program encourages farmers to grow oil-producing crops.

Benefits of the Green Tractor Scheme

  • Economic Assistance: Subsidized tractors and interest-free loans ease the financial burden on farmers.
  • Increased Productivity: Mechanization will help farmers improve efficiency and productivity in their agricultural practices.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: The scheme promotes the use of modern, high-quality tractors, contributing to sustainable farming methods.

How can farmers apply for the Green Tractor Scheme?

Farmers can apply through the official government portal or local agricultural offices.

What is the Kisan Card, and how does it work?

The Kisan Card is part of the SMS 8070 Registration Kisan Card Scheme, enabling farmers to access subsidies and other benefits easily.


The Punjab government’s Green Tractor Scheme is a significant step towards empowering farmers, boosting agricultural mechanization, and promoting sustainable farming practices. With substantial financial support and additional initiatives like the Kisan Card and Punjab Kisan Bank, farmers are well-equipped to improve productivity and manage their finances effectively.

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