How to get the 35000 Benazir Kafalat 2 Installment At Once?

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How to get the 35000 Benazir Kafalat 2 Installment At Once?

The Benazir Kafalat program is designed to support individuals in need with financial aid. If you haven’t received your last two installments, including the October and September installments, or the June and July installments, you may be eligible to receive a lump sum of Rs 35,000. This article outlines the process to help you receive this support efficiently.

Eligibility Criteria for Rs 35,000 Lump Sum BISP Payment

Eligibility Criteria for Rs 35,000 Lump Sum BISP Payment

The Rs 35,000 lump sum payment is reserved for individuals who have not received their last two installments from the Benazir Kafalat program. If you fall into this category, follow the steps below to receive your payment.

Steps to Receive the Rs 35,000 Benazir Kafalat 2 Installment

To obtain the Rs 35,000 installment from the Benazir Kafalat program, follow these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Visit Ehsaas NADRA or Benazir Kafalat Program Office

Head to the nearest Ehsaas NADRA office or Benazir Kafalat Program Tehsil Office. These offices are equipped to handle the disbursement of the Rs 35,000 installment.

Step 2: Provide Your Identification Card

Present your identification card (ID) to the office staff. This is a crucial step to verify your identity and eligibility for the installment.

Step 3: Complete Fingerprint Verification

The next step involves fingerprint verification. Allow the staff to verify your fingerprint, which helps authenticate your identity and confirm your eligibility for the lump sum payment.

Step 4: Receive the Full Amount Immediately

Once your fingerprint verification is successfully completed and your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive the full amount of Rs 35,000 immediately.

Important Information Regarding 35000 Benazir Kafalat 2 Installment

  • This Rs 35,000 installment is exclusively for those who have not received their last two installments from the Benazir Kafalat program.
  • If you have already received your regular installment of Rs 9,000, this lump sum payment is not applicable to you.

For any further queries or assistance, feel free to contact your nearest Ehsaas NADRA office or Benazir Kafalat Program Office.


Obtaining the Rs 35,000 Benazir Kafalat 2 installment at once is a straightforward process. By following the outlined steps and ensuring your eligibility, you can receive the much-needed financial support efficiently. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the designated offices for assistance and take advantage of this program to alleviate financial constraints.

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