Ehsaas Emergency Program 9000 New Payment Start 

Wasif Hameed
Wasif Hameed - Content Writer
3 Min Read
Ehsaas Emergency Program 9000 New Payment Start 

In a significant move to enhance the outreach of the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), the government has initiated the Ehsaas Emergency Program 9000 New Payment Start. This initiative aims to address the concerns of families that faced disqualification after receiving initial installments. The program also seeks to identify and replace ineligible families, making room for new beneficiaries undergoing verification.

Ehsaas Emergency Program

The Benazir Income Support Program has long been a cornerstone of relief for the deserving and impoverished. However, challenges arise when families, after receiving a few installments, find themselves disqualified or placed under surveys, resulting in halted payments. This situation prompts the need for a system that reinstates eligible families into the program while ensuring a fair and transparent process.

Recognizing the predicament faced by families previously removed from the program, the government has launched a sorting program under the Ehsaas Emergency Initiative. This program aims to reintegrate these families into the Benazir Income Support Program, providing them with the much-needed financial assistance they were previously entitled to.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Ehsaas Emergency Program, families must meet specific criteria. This includes households that received installments in the past but faced disqualification or survey scrutiny leading to halted payments. Families with a history of receiving three, four, or five episodes but subsequently facing discontinuation are also eligible. The goal is to identify deserving households and extend the necessary support.

One of the challenges addressed by the Ehsaas Emergency Program is the requalification of families who were once part of the Benazir Income Support Program. The sorting program is designed to streamline this process, ensuring that deserving families are not left without assistance. Additionally, the program addresses the issue of ineligible families, with approximately 100,000 households being removed to make way for new beneficiaries currently undergoing verification.

Ehsaas Emergency Program Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility CriteriaDescription
Received past installmentsFamilies with a history of receiving BISP installments
Disqualification or survey scrutinyHouseholds facing disqualification or under survey
Three, four, or five episodesFamilies receiving multiple episodes
Ineligible FamiliesApproximately 100,000 families removed from BISP
New BeneficiariesFamilies undergoing verification for program inclusion


The Ehsaas Emergency Program’s introduction of 9000 new payments signifies a crucial step towards inclusivity and fairness in the Benazir Income Support Program. By addressing the challenges faced by disqualified families and replacing ineligible households, the government is working to ensure that financial assistance reaches those who need it the most. This initiative stands as a testament to the commitment to social welfare and the continuous improvement of relief programs for the benefit of the Pakistani population.

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