BISP Announced a Public Holiday in Karachi Tomorrow

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BISP Announced a Public Holiday in Karachi Tomorrow

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has issued a notification in collaboration with the Commissioner of Karachi Division, announcing a public holiday on Tuesday, 23rd April 2024. This decision has been made in light of the visit of foreign dignitaries to the city.

Why the Public Holiday in Karachi?

Why the Public Holiday in Karachi?

According to an official notification issued on the 21st of April, the decision has been made to avoid inconvenience to the general public that might arise due to the visit and traffic restrictions.

  • Closure of Offices and Educational Institutions: All government and private offices, as well as educational institutions in the Karachi Division, will remain closed for the day.
  • Continuation of Essential Services: However, essential services and officials involved in emergency duties will continue their operations as usual.
  • Plan Accordingly: Citizens are advised to plan their activities accordingly and anticipate changes in traffic patterns and public services for the duration of the visit.

Also Read: Why Are BISP New Beneficiaries Getting 21500 Payment?

The Karachi Division’s administration has not disclosed further details about the dignitaries’ visit or the itinerary. However, it is expected that the city will see heightened security measures to ensure the smooth conduct of events during this time.

23rd AprilVisit of Foreign DignitariesA public holiday was announced in the Karachi Division to avoid inconvenience.

Residents of Karachi are reminded to stay informed about any further updates from local authorities as the date of the public holiday approaches.

Which institutions will remain closed on the public holiday?

All government and private offices like BISP, as well as educational institutions in the Karachi Division, will remain closed. However, essential services and officials involved in emergency duties will continue their operations as usual.

Should citizens expect any changes in public services?

Yes, citizens are advised to plan their activities accordingly and anticipate changes in traffic patterns and public services for the duration of the visit.


The public holiday announced by BISP in collaboration with the Commissioner of Karachi Division on Tuesday, 23rd April 2024, is aimed at ensuring the smooth conduct of events during the visit of foreign dignitaries. Residents of Karachi are advised to stay informed about any further updates from local authorities as the date of the public holiday approaches.

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