How to Check 4500 BISP Taleemi May Payment VIA HBL ATM?

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How to Check 4500 BISP Taleemi May Payment VIA HBL ATM?

The Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program is helping poor and deserving people in many ways. They give scholarships to children to help them with school fees and encourage education across the country. The program also gives money to 4500 poor women to support their families. Additionally, they provide money to transgender people to help them have equal rights and live with dignity in society.

Step-by-Step Guide for BISP Taleemi May Payment Check

Step-by-Step Guide for BISP Taleemi May Payment Check

Step 1: Visit HBL ATM

First, the child’s mother, for whom a withdrawal is required, should go to the designated bank ATM (such as HBL Bank) with her CNIC card.

Step 2: Biometric Verification

  • Visit a bank enrolled in the BISP program and where the ATM offers a thumb biometric option.
  • Upon reaching the ATM, you’ll see a screen with two options:
    • “Insert Your Card”
    • “Scan Your Thumb”
  • Choose “Scan Your Thumb” and place your thumb on the scanner.

Step 3: Language Selection

  • After placing your thumb, the screen will ask you to “Select Language.”
  • Choose Urdu or English according to your preference or understanding.

Step 4: Accessing BISP Menu

  • After language selection, a “Main Menu” screen will appear.
  • Choose the option labeled “BISP” at the top on the left side.

Also Read: List of 10500 BISP All Social Media Accounts

Step 5: Enter CNIC Number

  • A column will appear on the screen prompting you to enter your CNIC number.
  • Enter the CNIC number:
    • If the child has a CNIC card, use that number.
    • If not, use the child’s mother’s CNIC number, as she is an active BISP beneficiary.

Step 6: Biometric Verification (Again)

  • After entering the CNIC card number, the option to place your thumb for biometric verification will appear again.
  • Scan your thumb to proceed with the cash withdrawal process.

Step 7: Cash Withdrawal

  • After successful biometric verification, four options will appear.
  • Choose the first option, “Cash withdrawal,” as you are here to withdraw money.
  • Please note: This option will only be available if your biometric verification has been completed in BISP.

Step 8: Balance Inquiry (Optional)

  • If you are unsure of the amount of money in your account or if there are any unpaid bills, choose the third option, “Balance Inquiry.”
  • Check your current amount and proceed to the next step.

Step 9: Enter Withdrawal Amount

  • You can withdraw any amount, but it must be at least 500 rupees.
  • Input the final amount of money you wish to withdraw.

Can I withdraw BISP Taleemi money from any ATM?

No, you can only withdraw money from ATMs of banks enrolled in the BISP program and equipped with thumb biometric verification.

Is there a minimum withdrawal limit for Benazir Taleemi Wazaif?

Yes, the minimum withdrawal for Benazir Taleemi Wazaif amount is 500 rupees.


With the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program, withdrawing your BISP installment has become easier and more accessible. By following the simple steps outlined above, beneficiaries can efficiently withdraw their payments from HBL ATMs, ensuring financial support reaches those who need it the most.

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