A Guide to Enrolling Your Child in BISP Taleemi Wazaif 5500

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A Guide to Enrolling Your Child in BISP Taleemi Wazaif 5500

In Pakistan, many families face challenges sending their children to school due to money problems. To help, the government has started the BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500 program. It gives money to families who need help sending their kids to school. This article explains how to sign up for this program and how it helps families in need.

What is BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500?

What is BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500?

The BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500 program is a plan by the government of Pakistan to give money to families who can’t afford to send their children to school. It’s meant to help families who are struggling financially, especially those whose children can’t go to school because of money problems. This program wants to help these families and make sure their kids get a good education.

How to Register for Benazir Taleemi Wazaif 5500?

Registering for the BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500 program is easy. Here’s what you need to do:

StepWhat to Do
1Get the registration form and fill it out correctly.
2Gather the papers you need, like proof of your family’s income.
3Submit the form and papers. Wait for confirmation.

Who Can Apply?

This program is for families going through tough times. You might be eligible if:

  • Your parents are no longer alive.
  • Your family doesn’t have much money and your PMT Score is less than 32.
  • Your family’s income is below a certain level.

Also Read: Govt Introducing Inclusive Insurance Schemes Through BISP

Benefits of Enrollment

Signing up for the BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500 program has many benefits:

  • Money Help: Families who sign up get money to help pay for their kids’ education.
  • Stay in School: Kids from these families can keep going to school without worrying about money.
  • Break the Poverty Cycle: By helping kids from poor families get an education, this program helps break the cycle of poverty.


The BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500 program is a big help for families struggling to send their kids to school. By signing up, you can get money to make sure your child gets a good education. When Pakistan invests in education, it’s investing in a better future for everyone. Sign up now and give your child the chance to learn with BISP Taleemi Wazifa 5500!

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