8171 BISP Online Kacheri for deserving

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8171 BISP Online Kacheri: Pakistani government launched the Ehsaas program with the goal of aiding impoverished and deserving families. The aim of this initiative is to assist those who are helpless and struggling financially. The government is taking various measures to ensure that those who deserve assistance are included in the program. Efforts are being made to collect data from people’s homes, and in cases where necessary, camps are being set up to survey individuals. This is being done to ensure that those who are eligible but have not yet been included in the program are given the opportunity to receive support.

Purpose of 8171 BISP Online Kacheri

Join us for the 8171 BISP Online Kacheri on April 27, 2023, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.

The Director of BISP Punjab himself will be present to address any queries you may have. This session is specifically designed to assist individuals who are ineligible for the Benazir Income Support Program due to any reason but are eligible.

  • A Session by Benazir Income Support Program will be launched on 27 April 2023 (time 11:30 am to 1:30 pm)
  • It aims to help those who are not eligible for the Benazir Income Support Program due to any reason and are eligible
  • In this session, you can get answers to all the questions that you may have i.e. why you are being disqualified and how you can join the program.
  • In addition, those who are not yet enrolled in this program and are trying to join this program will also get all the information and will also be told how to join.
  • Remember there is no fee to join this session

If you haven’t qualified for this program before and are currently not receiving any Rashan benefits, you have the chance to qualify for this program again. Moreover, if you do qualify, the amount you receive will be increased from 2,000 to 4,500.

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