50000 BISP Program Started by Nawaz Sharif Government

Wasif Hameed
Wasif Hameed - Content Writer
3 Min Read
50000 BISP Program

In the landscape of Pakistan’s social welfare initiatives, the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) stands as a pivotal scheme established during Nawaz Sharif’s tenure. This program aimed to alleviate poverty, especially in the country’s most economically challenged regions. It’s crucial to trace the evolution of this initiative, understanding its inception, its developments, and its impact on the lives of the citizens.

BISP Program by Nawaz Sharif Government

BISP Program by Nawaz Sharif Government

During Nawaz Sharif’s governance, the BISP program was conceived with the primary objective of supporting the financially vulnerable segments of society. This program, which later evolved into the Ehsaas Income initiative under Imran Khan, targeted the 23 most impoverished districts across Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan.

Key Points
– Initiated under Nawaz Sharif’s government
– Focused on the 23 poorest districts
– Aimed to aid the financially disadvantaged

50000 BISP Program

Initially, the program allocated financial aid of up to 60,000 to eligible recipients. This aid was pivotal in ameliorating the conditions and affairs of those dwelling in the designated districts.

Details of Support
– Monetary aid up to 60,000
– Livestock provision: goats, sheep, buffaloes
– Augmented living conditions

Nawaz Sharif Program

The initiative didn’t confine itself solely to cash disbursements; it extended support through providing livestock. As an example, during Eid, small-scale projects distributed two goats or other animals with a value of up to 60,000 to individuals with limited resources. These efforts significantly contributed to enhancing the conditions of the populace and fostering economic stability.

Nawaz Sharif Program Current Realities

In the present scenario, the government is exploring new avenues to aid individuals seeking to establish businesses. This transition seeks to boost Pakistan’s economic landscape while concurrently uplifting the general populace. This strategy not only ensures economic assistance but also aims to enhance the overall state of affairs within Pakistan.

The current state of the BISP Program promises to elevate the lives of ordinary citizens. By offering diverse forms of aid, from monetary support to livestock provision, the initiative remains a beacon of hope for many struggling individuals.


The BISP Program, initiated during Nawaz Sharif’s tenure and evolved under subsequent governments, remains a cornerstone of Pakistan’s social welfare initiatives. Its evolution from a cash-based aid program to one involving livelihood provisions marks a significant step towards uplifting the country’s economically challenged regions. As it adapts to the current economic landscape, the program continues to provide hope for a better tomorrow for the common people of Pakistan.

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By Wasif Hameed Content Writer
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